Thank you for registering for the 2020 ONOJ Virtual Conference taking place on November 9th – 13th. This year’s theme, “Fight for Our Future: Finding Strength in Indigenous Public Health,” is a call to come together and work towards solutions for the public health crisis impacting our communities.
For your convenience, each day features several block sessions spread throughout the day: an opening keynote, afternoon workshop, and an opportunity to learn through social connection. Daily sessions are centered on the following themes “Indigenous Pathways to Health” (Monday), “Performance & Innovation” (Tuesday), “Data as Knowledge” (Thursday), and “Governance” (Friday). You are not required to attend all the sessions.
Links to each session, hosted through Zoom, will be received soon. We look forward to connecting with you, and in the meantime, any additional questions or concerns you have not addressed on our website can be directed to
Check out resources and access full session recordings from the forum.